It was Friday August 23 and I woke up feeling very impatient. Anyone who knows me knows I have absolutely zero patience and I hate waiting. My period wasn't due for 5 more days, but I just couldn't wait that long. Besides, I just had a "feeling". I had been feeling very off all week, much more tired than usual and there were those telling cramps earlier in the week. Too early to be period cramps, and my mind was telling me those were implantation cramps. But I didn't want to get my hopes up.
So I got out of bed and went downstairs to get ready for the day. I decided to take a test even though I was 10dpo. I knew the chances of getting a positive so early were slim. So instead of torturing myself by watching the test for the results, I jumped in the shower. And prayed.
I didn't want to be disappointed. We wanted a baby. The timing was right, and we were ready. But was it our time? I prayed that whatever the results were this month, I would trust in God and His timing for giving us a family.
I hopped out of the shower, glanced at the test on the counter and almost screamed!
It literally took my breath away. Even though I KNEW it in my gut, seeing that word just totally blew my mind.
So I grabbed a towel and (still sopping wet!) raced up the stairs to wake Keith up. He was in a sound sleep, and I shook him awake. As soon as he opened his eyes I practically shouted, asking if he was awake. Then shoved the test in his face. He of course couldn't focus on it ... I had after all just woken the poor man up .... so I pretty much screamed that I was pregnant. And that I then had to go get ready for work, or I'd be late. The whole scenario cracks me up now, because it is so NOT the way I had imagined telling my husband he was going to be a father, but it was so me. And so us.
Driving to work that morning he texted me ... "so now what? it feels so unreal to just go about our days like everything is normal!"
And he was so right. Our entire world had just been flipped upside down and we couldn't tell a soul.
Somehow, we did it. We managed to keep it a secret for FIVE more weeks after we found out! But more on that later.....
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