My twenties were a decade of soul searching, mistake making, chance taking, traveling and growing. I made friends and lost friends. I dabbled in different careers. I went back to school and got my BS degree. I had my heart broken, and did some heartbreaking of my own. I moved countless times. I got a dog. Had to give him up because I was too young and irresponsible to take care of him. I traveled. Stayed up late. Stayed out too late. I grew up. I learned the value of family and good true honest friends. Got another dog. Experience heartbreaking loss, the kind you think you'll never get over. At 25, I met my soulmate, fell in love and got married. Sold our first condo and bought our first house. The last few months of my 20s, I got pregnant and am now growing a life. A sweet baby girl. The most perfect way to end an amazing decade.
Truthfully, I am so looking forward to 30. And in a weird way, I am so grateful that the birth of our daughter didn't come in my 20s. I spent alot of my 20s being unsure of myself, of my place in this world or of the path I wanted to take. Now, I know. And I know that the very best way to start this next decade, is with the birth of the daughter that I have always wanted.
Every path, every decision, every mistake .... all of it was my meant to be. It put me right where I needed to be, in order for me to have this wonderful life.
And I wouldn't change a minute of it. So, here's to my 20s. And here is to a future that I look forward to with excitement and anticipation. It can only get better <3
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