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Our Weekend

04 August 2014

Happy Monday friends! I hate the Monday after a really busy weekend because I feel like I didn't get a break at all, and one week just flows right into the next!
Friday night Keith left for a boys weekend. They went golfing and to Foxwoods to celebrate his friend's bachelor party. So it was just me, Gunner and the nugget!!
Saturday: We had an Open House at 10am, so we were all up early and out the door by 9:45! I took Gracie to my in-laws to spend a few hours (ok, and also to get some help and not be on my own the whole time!). Keith's hometown was having a sidewalk sale, so we took Gracie downtown where my mother-in-law showed her off to everyone we met (it's kind of a small town lol).

Someone is looking very sleeeeeepy

Lots of shopping makes for one tired babe

Someone is very spoiled by her Grammie!
Her afternoon siesta with her Pops
I left there and started heading home, stopping at Keith's father's house for a bit so they could see Gracie. She was tired, but very happy -- we had so much fun making her laugh and giggle!

Watching the cars go by

Quick snooze with her Gram

Can you tell where she gets her looks from??

Oh the giggles .... I love her face here!
Once we got home, I gave her a bath and put her to bed and then enjoyed a big glass of wine :)
Sunday: We were up early again and off to church! It was my first time taking Gracie by myself and I was nervous because our church doesn't have a nursery. But she was so good! She loved the lights and the music, and was wide awake throughout the entire service.

Of course with a big ol' bow on her head!

Her face cracks me up!
Keith got home around 2:00pm and I sent the two of them upstairs to nap while I got our house ready for a second Open House!

This picture melts my heart
We went for our usual Starbucks run and then walk through the park during the OH. It was nice to spend some family time together after such a long weekend!

Thinking about sleeping :)
Keith and I ordered dinner from a new restaurant in town, and watched "The Last Ship" before we all called it a night at 9:15! Yep, I think we are officially old!!
We have another crazy week ahead, and hopefully will make some big decisions on our house situation.
Have a fabulous week!!

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