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26 Weeks

03 February 2014

Goodbye second trimester!!

My new favorite sweater vest from Francesca's

And holy crap .... three months to go! I honestly feel like this pregnancy has flown by, but I also now all of a sudden feel like I'm in a panic! I feel so unprepared, especially about giving birth. I've been reading two amazing birthing books, and have scheduled our birthing class, but I just feel like I need more time to mentally prepare. The bigger I know she gets, the more anxious I become haha. I think that's probably normal! My goal over the next couple of weeks is to finish my books, and start getting some sort of a mental plan together ..... wish me luck :)

Moving on ...... 

How far along: 26 Weeks
Gender: Still a girl, haha 
Weight gain: 15 lbs.+ (next weight check-in is first thing this week)
Maternity clothes: yep yep yep ... totally loving dresses right now because they are SO much comfier. I forsee myself wearing lots of them these last few months.
Stretch marks: *fingers crossed* still none!
Belly button in or out: Out -- totally fun story, Keith always rubs my belly when I'm on my way up to bed for the night, and last night he reached out and rubbed my outie and it totally freaked him out! It is pretty weird having it popped out now :)
Sleep: Sleeping well, thankful for my snoogle and unisom!
Best moment this week: We finished painting her dresser! Still deciding on if we are going to paint the existing hardware or buy new ones, so for now there are no handles.
Miss anything: Margaritas ... we went for Mexican the other night and they made me a virgin margarita and it was heaven.
Movement: She never stops. Lots of kicking and pressure under my belly button, which is quite a weird feel. I think she is still transverse, gotta ask about that at my next appt! isn't she supposed to be turned by now?!
Cravings: Other than the random craving for a chicken el paso chimichanga from the only place that makes it 45 minutes away .... nothing out of the ordinary :)
Queasy or sick: Feeling good! The heartburn is starting and the restless legs continues though.
Looking forward to: February being a short month :) 

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