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Third Trimester: 27 Weeks

10 February 2014

This is quite possibly the hardest week yet. I hate to sound negative, but the start of the third trimester has really thrown me for a loop -- both physically and emotionally. I'm so much more sore, and achy and uncomfortable. I have a hard time sleeping, or sitting at work for 10+ hours. The only semi-comfortable position is laying in bed with 14 pillows and my snoogle.

Emotionally, I've been cranky, stressed, snippy and I cry a lot. I almost had a full on meltdown at Home Depot yesterday, so that should tell you something. Who cries at a home improvement store??

Starting on Wednesday my braxton hicks contractions returned. And continued without end for days. I called my midwife and they said that as long as I wasn't having more than 6 in an hour, was staying hydrated and wasn't leaking fluid (what am I, a car now? haha) that it was highly unlikely I was in actual labor, and there was nothing that they could do for me. womp womp. It's gonna be a long 12 weeks since they tell me this means I have an irritable uterus and this is just how my body handles pregnancy.

Enough about the whining. The good stuff about this week?

Can't you just see the exhaustion? :)

Baby girl is doing amazing. She's measuring a full week ahead, and is already head down. I think she's going to be impatient like her mama, and grace us with her presence before her due date. My bet is between April 26-28. I don't know why, it just sounds right :)

I had a great checkup with the midwives at the birth center and am still completely pumped to give birth there. Everyone is so nice and accomodating, and each midwife I meet (there are 7) I think "she's my favorite" haha. Truthfully, I will be happy to have any of them on call when I go into labor.

How far along: 27 weeks
Gender: Girl
Weight gain: 15 pounds
Maternity clothes: Yes, but I'm really trying to figure out how I can wear sweatpants or yogapants for the remainder of my pregnancy. Wondering if my work will bend the rules a bit for me :)
Stretch marks: Still none
Belly button in or out: Waaaay out and man, it really looks weird!!!
Sleep: what is that? Sleep is awful, even if I take a unisom. I just can't get comfortable and I can't breathe and then I'm hot, and then I have to get up to go to the bathroom, and then the cycle starts all over again! Funny story though ... I got up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom, and pretty much slept-walked there, where I fell asleep sitting on the toilet. Really not sure how long I was out for! haha
Best moment this week:  I think we've made some big decisions about our housing situation, and it was a relief to finally feel like we might not be in limbo anymore. Details soon :)
Miss anything:  Everything? still would give anything for a margarita, and I'm really missing my sleep!
Movement: Still moving like a little ninja all the time!
Cravings: Ice cream or frozen yogurt, so basically still sweets ... I'm surprised I haven't gained 30 pounds!
Queasy or sick:  Heartburn here and there, acide reflux (there must be less and less room for the food to go!) and incredible pain in my hips and thighs. I can't describe it, she must be sitting on a nerve, but sometimes the pain is so bad I can't walk.
Looking forward to: Is it too early to say ... not being pregnant anymore? I want my body back functioning normally and I am REALLY ready to meet this little girl.

Before you think that all I do is whine and that I sound like the most miserable person on the planet ..... know that, despite everything, I keep thinking .... I am totally doing this again. Because every little kick is such a miracle, (heck growing another life is a miracle!!) and I can't even describe how much I love this little girl already and I can't wait to be her mama. And then how much I want her to have a sibling :)

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