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13 October 2014

I spent four days last week laid up in bed with a nasty stomach bug .... so come Saturday morning, I was feeling MUCH better and ready to enjoy some much needed family time!

I took my sister to pick up her new car, and I am so proud of her! She leased a brand new Rav-4, after not having a car for almost three years! This is huge for us, since that means we no longer have to drive 45 minutes to pick her up. Now she can come over and hang out with Gracie whenever she wants :)

Gracie loves story time with her Auntie

Saturday morning we had physicals as part of the process of purchasing life insurance. Now that we have a little nugget to think about, we are taking steps to be as prepared as possible for the future. After the nurse left, Gracie and I took a TWO hour nap. It was amazing!!! We had planned on going to the local Topsfield Fair, but after we woke up, it was still raining. Instead we went to lunch and then wandered around the mall.

I can't even with this outfit

She had a blast at lunch!
Our six-month and holiday photo shoot is coming up in a couple of weeks, and while we were out shopping, I came across the cutest outfit for her at babyGap. Everything was 40% off!

Boots // Dress // Headband

When we got home, I had a package of headbands from an Etsy shop on my doorstep. I'm so excited to style these outfits for Halloween and fall :) This is my first time ordering from Little Miss Athena, but I was very impressed with the quick turnaround time and the quality of the headbands.

Top // Middle // Bottom (custom)
Saturday night we stayed in (shocking I know :) and ordered takeout. We're attempting to branch out and try new places in town ... you know, since we've lived here for a year and a half :)

Sunday morning we got up and continued trying new places and went to breakfast at the most adorable country store. They sell penny candy, loose veggies, various baked goods and have a full deli and ice cream counter! We got a yummy breakfast, while Gracie entertained everyone in the store with her "singing" and smiling. 

And we tried out her new boots! Have you seen anything cuter? Ever? I think not.

Breakfast with her daddy

After brunch, I snuck out for a little bit and tried a new nail salon in town (again, new to me) and I was so impressed! I got a mani/pedi -- the pedi included a hot stone massage, and the mani included a paraffin wax treatment. I struck up a conversation with the girl sitting next to me, and turns out she has an 11 month old daughter and they recently bought a house in town too. We exchanged info, and plan on a play date with our girls soon. Now that we are really settling in, I'm starting to love small-town living :)

Sunday afternoon we watched the Patriots beat the Bills (yay!) and Gracie tried to avoid taking her afternoon nap.

Those EYES. Seriously, do you see ANY of me in this child??

After the game, I tried to clean and organize our house and get ready for the upcoming week! Being the inexperienced first time mom that I am, I totally forgot that her daycare is CLOSED for Columbus Day. Thankfully, my mother in law has the day off and she offered to come over and watch Gracie. She hasn't kept her for this long since we switched Grace's schedule, so I made sure to write it all out for her. Obsessive much? :)
And lastly, I'm totally drooling over some fall pieces from J.Crew Factory -- why must they tempt me with their 50% off sales and free shipping? I'm specifically dying over this and this. We'll see if they end up in my closet!
I'm anticipating a crazy busy work week, trying to get caught up from being out so much last week, but I'm really missing blogging and hoping to squeeze in a few more posts. Happy Monday Y'all!!

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