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Day 31. Completion.

31 May 2013

It's hard to believe that it's the end of the month, and we've come to the very last post in the #blogeverydayinmay challenge! Thank you Jenni so much for hosting this challenge! I've loved getting to know others in the blogging community and I really feel like I've grown so much from this experience :)
Last topic. A vivid memory.
I have a confession. I have the worst memory ever. I used to be able to remember so many things, but now I can only remember the randomest details that are really not all that important :/
However, there is one moment that completely stands out to me. And that moment would be the first time I laid eyes on my husband. I've touched on this a little bit in "our story".
June 12, 2009. (holy crap, almost 4 years ago!) The Comcast Center, Mansfield MA. Brad Paisley concert.
My sister and I were sitting in our seats, enjoying the opening acts. First was Jimmy Wayne and then, Dierks Bentley. There were lots of empty seats all around us, which wasn't surprising given it was early still. Most people chose to wander around and get some drinks before settling in for the main event.
I remember that Dierks was only on his second song. A group of people were making their way into our aisle, and this required us standing up, so that they could climb over us to their seats.
Boy. Girl. Boy. Keith. He was the last one to walk into our row, and the second I laid eyes on him, the entire place stopped. Everything else went kind of blurry, the world stood still and all I could see was this cute guy, juggling two beers and his ticket.
He was wearing a white baseball cap, a t-shirt with trees on it, jeans and flipflops.
He had the bluest eyes I had ever seen.
It felt like this moment lasted an hour, but in reality it was only seconds. Miliseconds to be exact. And then just like that, it was noisy and loud and we were all sitting back down. But in that one moment, I knew. I could just feel it in my bones.
Isn't it funny how life goes? One minute you're barreling down one specific path and then all of a sudden -- DETOUR! And then you're on this new, amazing path that somehow feels like it was supposed to be all along. Meant to be.
In another amazing twist, a couple years later, Keith and I met with the Deacon at the church we were to be married at. Such a gentle, happy, loving soul. He asked us questions about our relationship, and where we met. After we told him, he looked at us kind of funny and said "hold on". He left the room and came back a few minutes later wearing a cowboy hat, with the words "Brad Paisley - Saturday Night Tour" on it. As crazy as it sounds, on that night that we met....somewhere in the same crowd was the man that would marry us three years later.
Isn't life amazing? :)

Dressing Room Reveal

30 May 2013

Y'all, I am SO excited to share this with you -- I've been meaning and wanting to do a dressing room blog post, so that I can show off my amazing space. I am SO excited about it! Finally tonight I got home from work and decided to try a video! So without further ado, here is my dressing room vlog :) Let me know what you think!!

Billy bookcases, Ikea
Vanity, Craigslist
Malm dresser, Ikea
Curtains, Homegoods
Curtain rods, Ikea
Mirror, Homegoods
Closet system, Home Depot
Paint color -- Antique Tin by Behr, Home Depot

Any other questions, please just let me know! Thanks for watching:)

Letting Go. Day 30.

Today's topic for Blog Every Day In May is Letting Go.

Letting go has meant many different things to me over the course of time, some small and some big. Letting go of a dream, a friend, an idea, a disagreement. Letting go means living free. Holding on to things we shouldn't, just brings us down, causes us stress. And really, who needs that kind of negativity? Part of growing up, means learning to know when the right time is to let go of something or someone. But how often do we emotionally let go of something, even once it's physically gone from our lives? That takes time, and patience and faith that you are heading in the right direction.

Right now I need to let go of my desire to move somewhere else. I want so badly to live in Texas, Phoenix, North Carolina .... I have this burning desire to explore a new city, make new friends and fill our time with new experiences. Is it realistic? Probably not. Actually, really not. We just bought a new house and have great, stable, (fulfilling?) jobs. It isn't practical to uproot and move somewhere just because I want to. And so instead of sitting here, wishing and dreaming of a different kind of life, I need to And embrace the beautiful life that we have, right here.

This weekend marks exactly one year since my life changed and I lost several friendships. It's taken me a whole year to really come to terms with it. I've gone through all the stages of loss -- and have finally reached acceptance. And so, today, I am letting it go. Forever. What's done can't be undone. And I can no longer beat myself up over the mistakes that were made. Or wonder if they feel the same. So instead of sitting here and wishing I could change the past or go back in time, I'm focusing on moving forward. I'm blessed with amazing friendships and those are the friendships that I need to throw myself into, and focus on keeping strong. I am officially saying goodbye and letting go.

Phew. Feels kinda good to get all that off my chest.

Music :)

29 May 2013

Homestretch! Only a couple of these left :) 

Day 29: Five songs or pieces of music that speak to you or bring back memories. Use Grooveshark or YouTube to include them in the post.

1. I'm starting with the obvious, our wedding song :) We never had a "song" per say, but we've always loved Eric Church and we knew we wanted one of his songs. Problem was, his songs are not exactly lovey-dovey or over-the-top-romantic. But when this album came out, we listened to this song over and over, and knew it was just so us. 

"Like Jesus Does" 

 2. This song is another country tune that I just cannot get out of my head lately! The lyrics are the sweetest, and the story it tells is the story I want our life to be. 

Kip Moore "Hey Pretty Girl"

3.  Coldplay. I had a tough time choosing my favorite Coldplay song, because there are SO many that I love. I ended up choosing "Paradise". It's another song that speaks to our relationship and was the song used in our highlight video!

4.  Anything by the Backstreet Boys. Or N'Sync. Maybe even a little 98 Degrees. What can I say? I love my 90s boy bands:)

5. And last, but certainly not least.....MADONNA. I a huge fan :) This album was my favorite.

Day 28 -- Pictures Only

28 May 2013

Since today is my Monday and it's a picture day pnly challenge, I figured I would combine the two and do a weekend photo recap :) You'll have to guess what's happening since I couldn't use words!

Ok, ok a quick summary: Meghan's bachelorette party; a lovely Sunday with ice cream, lawn work, decorating our mantle, and some moonshine; yard work and a Sox game on Memorial Day Monday!

P.S. It was also our engagaversary this weekend! Keith proposed to me on May 29, the Sunday of Memorial Day weekend in 2011. Crazy it's been two years since I said "YES!"

Day 23

23 May 2013

Topic of the day: Things you've learned that school won't teach you.

1. Life goes by much faster than you think it will. Don't take one second for granted.

2. Never settle -- in a relationship, a friendship, a job, a house - anything. Life is too short (see #1)

3. Learn to trust your gut. Your intuition is your subconscious' way of telling you what you already know. Believe it.

4. That one horrible awful heartbreak you never thought you'd get over? You do. And when you meet the love of your life, it all makes sense.

5. People will disappoint you, and let you down. But they aren't perfect and neither are you -- treat them the way you would want to be treated if the roles were reversed.

6. Have faith. Everyone has different beliefs and I completely respect that. But I think its so important that you believe in something, because that faith will get you through some tough times.

I could probably go on, but I think that's enough life lessons for one morning. Besides, it's still early and I'm not quite awake yet :)

Day 22

22 May 2013

*Rant about something. Get up on your soapbox and tell us how you really feel. (a pet peeve, a current event, a controversial topic, something your husband or roommate or neighbor or boss does that really ticks you off)...*

Is it bad that I am way too excited about this topic? Disclaimer: I am a very sweet, genuine person but I can also be a major bitch :( working on that. 

1. Facebook etiquette. Is there such a thing? No? Well, there should be. I mean really people, how hard is it to know that a paragraph long run on sentence is not ok? Know when to put a period at the end of a sentence. Also, what is up with all the exclamation marks!!! Like oh my goodness!!!! Can you believe that?!!!! I know!!! GAH STOP JUST STOP. Drives me freaking insane. Anyone else have Facebook pet peeves?

2. People that think they are better than me. I do not pretend to think that I am much of anything, and I count my blessings daily. But I am smart, and educated and I *do* know something about some things. So don't try to put my thoughts or comments down ok? I don't put you down for yours.

3. Slow drivers. People that don't use turn signals. Who don't pay attention when driving and weave all over the road. Or drive so recklessly they put others at danger. I have bad road rage and yell and scream, but I'm still a safe driver. At least I think anyway. 

Ok I'm going to stop there because I don't want to get all worked up over here :) Happy Hump Day!

Day 21

21 May 2013

Blog Every Day in May - Day 21 - A list of links to your favorite posts in your archives.
Ok so ... I haven't been blogging for very long, so I don't have a huge archive to choose from but I'll share my favorites anyway :)
One -- my wedding photos post. One day I'll get around to doing an actual wedding recap. Maybe next month :)
Two -- the post about finding out my grandmother's cancer diagnosis and my reaction
Three -- my Hawaii recap post.
Four -- Pinterest inspired looks. I *will* get back to these posts because they are so much fun. Again, maybe next month :)
Five -- and lastly, our new house photos!
Five posts from my "not-so-old-archives" :)

Happy Tuesday!!

Day 20

20 May 2013

MI am quite a bit behind (ok, only two days) but honestly, this weekend just wore me out and I felt like I needed a bit of a technology break. I barely used my laptop or phone, and unplugged from obsessive Pinterest-ing and Instagram-ing. It was a much needed break.

Today's topic is another deep one, so I'll keep it brief and then share some photos of our weekend :)

Day 20: Share something you struggle with

For me -- it's constantly being unsure of myself. Am I a good enough wife? friend? daughter? sister? employee?

My life is very full and busy, and I am so grateful for that. But sometimes I feel like I stretch myself too thin, or I don't give 100% to something that needs it. Then I feel like I'm failing at everything I'm trying to do. I am working on learning to say "no" to things, to prioritize my time and make sure that everyone (including me!) is happy :)

On to weekend updates! 

My dressing room is nearing completion. I know it doesn't look that way from this photo!

Gunner made a new best friend. My dear friend Allison and her husband Scott came to visit on Saturday and see our new house, and Gunner was instantly obsessed with them. He even rode on Scott's lap to the park :)

Sunday we made our annual Ikea trip! We always look forward to and dread it at the same time. I want to buy everything, and Keith constantly reminds me that it will take us 20 hours to put it together so I should "choose wisely". Pfft. 

I ended up buying these two bookcases for my dressing room AND I put them together --by myself -- in less than 2 hours. Take that, dear hubby!!

We wrapped our Sunday with tacos and some TV-show catchup while cuddling with g-money. 

How is it Monday already?!?

Favorite Photo

17 May 2013

Today's topic was to share a favorite photo of yourself and why ..... really, I have to choose just one??

This photo was (obviously) taken on our wedding day and it's one of my favorites :) We had an amazingly, beautiful late summer day and I can still feel the warmth of that day when I look at these photos.

I was smiling at my bridesmaids and soaking in the moment. Keith was off with his guys taking their photos .. and I just remember being so happy, and feeling like all the pieces had finally just clicked together. Life was good <3

Day 16

16 May 2013

I'm so excited and proud to be half-way through the month -- this has been such a fun challenge, and I'm loving every day :)

Today's topic: Something difficult about your "lot in life" and how you're working to overcome it

I don't want to get too-too deep today, so I will keep this as short as I can. Maybe one day I'll have the courage to talk about it more openly.

I don't have much of a relationship with my parents. You'll notice I talk about my grandparents more, and that's because my grandparents are the ones I consider myself to be the closest with.

My parents are alive, and pop in and out of my life from time to time. My parents have only met my husband a handful of times, and they were not involved in our wedding.  They have never met any of Keith's family. And in fact, up until my grandmother was diagnosed with breast cancer, I hadn't spoken to my parents in over 8 months.

My parents and I are at opposite ends of the spectrum when it comes to religion. The religion that they raised me in, is not the one I felt was right for me and I left it when I was 21. After meeting Keith, I became Catholic, and we found a church that we absolutely love and were married in. My parents couldn't support or accept the fact that I had chosen a different religious path and its put a huge damper on our relationship. They don't celebrate birthdays or holidays and those are major family-events for me. It's been hard to figure out how I'm going to explain all this to our kids -- why my parents aren't at birthdays or there on Christmas morning.

It wasn't until I went to Hawaii in March to spend some time with my grandmother, that she really helped me gain some perspective. My grandmother has also been struggling with her relationship with my mom, since my grandma is Catholic as well. (Are you lost yet??) But my grandma, being the wise woman that she is, gave me the best advice.

"You have to learn to accept your parents for who they are. Accept what they CAN give, and stop focusing on what they don't. You have to show them that you can have a mutual respect for each other, have a wonderful relationship and be involved in their lives."

She then begged me to reach out to my parents and try again. I hadreached the point of learning to be okay without them, but I realized she was right. Wouldn't it be better to have some sort of relationship with my parents, then none at all? Could it be possible for us to learn how to peacefully put our differences aside?

As you all know, my grandmother is my person. So when she asks me to do something, no matter how difficult, I do it. I prayed a lot about the situation, and asked God to open my heart to healing -- and open theirs to being receptive to me.

That was about two months ago, and I am happy to say that we have made good progress. My parents were the first ones (out of anyone in our lives!) to come and see our new house. They helped us move in, unpack and get settled. And as I've mentioned in a previous post, my dad is building us a dining room table!

I'm cautiously optimistic. I'm sure they'll disappear again at some point, but I can't give up on them, on our relationship. They are my parents, my family, and at one point -- my everything.


That was alot longer than I intended it to be -- but there ya go. My honesty for the day :)

A day in the life of me

15 May 2013

Today's topic is your typical day with photos so here goes .....

My day begins at 6am, when my alarm screams at me. I usually hit snooze, until my second alarm goes off at 6:25, and then another one at 6:30. My biggest fear in the morning is oversleeping and being late. I *cannot* be late, and I need a decent amount of time to wake up and get myself together.

Just a small selection of my makeup -- it usually takes me about 10 minutes!
Makeup done, hair is still wet -- do I have time to dry it? Usually not, that's what my car vents are for!
7:25am -- I am useless without my daily banana nut iced coffee. 
I'm at the office by 7:30 -- and with the exception of my lunch hour -- I do not use my cellphone all day, so I have no photos of my time between 7:30 and 5pm. Not that I'd have time to take photos anyway, my days (especially lately) are insane.

My way home from work, I usually have a quick errand to run but am home by 5:45 at the latest!

Home by 5:45 -- taking G-man for a walk! He loves his new grass.
Tonight I didn't get home until 7, because I was picking up my new car! :)

My new ride :)

After our walk, I start dinner -- pick up the house -- do some laundry -- sort through the mail -- check email and do a little blogging.
Dinner tonight is chicken parm casserole and roasted zucchini and carrots. YUM!
After dinner we relax, watch some shows, play with the pup before heading to bed! By 9:30, I am exhausted and ready for bed!

Snuggle time with my boys :)
Andddd then I do it all over again the next day :)

Ten Things

14 May 2013

Today's challenge is a fun and easy one. Ten things that make you happy.

1. The ocean, the beach, the sand between my toes and a salty breeze, while soaking up the sunshine.
2. Hawaii. It is, and always will be, my home
3. Getting a great deal on something! I love getting discounts: buy one-get one, free shipping or free items. It totally makes my day!
4. Babies. Especially fat, squishy, roly-poly ones.
5. My pup, Gunner. He is seriously the sweetest, most insane dog ever and I love him to pieces.
6. My morning coffee. Whether it's a hot one and I'm enjoying the early morning quiet, or my iced banana nut powering me through another crazy day at TrashLand, there is nothing better.
7. A fabulous-windows down-sunroof open-amazing, country song on the radio. Nothing puts me in a better mood. Today it was Kip Moore's "hey pretty girl"
8. A great outfit. Seriously, when you know you look good, you FEEL good too!
9. My husband. It's an obvious one, but even when he's driving me absolutely insane, I know there is no one else that could make me as happy as he does.
10. The voice of a loved one -- either on a coffee date with a dear friend, or a phone call with my Grandma. It lifts my heart to hear their voice.

Sorry is the hardest word

13 May 2013

*Day 13:* Issue a public apology. This can be as funny or as serious or as creative as you want it to be.

Ok -- I have the worst road rage. So for anyone who has ever driven in a car with me, I'm sorry. I swear it's the only time I yell at random strangers

 "for the love of christ, it's green -- GOOOO!" 

"WHERE did you learn how to drive?!! get out of my way!!" 

I could go on and on, but I'll leave it at that. You get the idea. So my friends (and the people I've yelled at!), my apologies. I swear, I'm really a nice person. Just a very impatient one.  

And lastly, to the dear friend that I hurt today, I am sorry. I'm not perfect, and I'm sorry that my insensitivity caused you pain. Please forgive me and know how much you mean to me! I love you! xo

Weekend Recap

It's a crazy Monday morning around here -- so I've decided to do a weekend recap with photos :) My dear husband does not yet seem to understand why I need to take photos of everything, and have him take photos of me doing them ... but he will!
Saturday morning, I painted my bathroom. I was going for a pretty coral color (since coral and mint is my new favorite combo) but it came out more salmon. After a couple of days, the color has grown on me and I can't wait to finish putting the bathroom together!

Saturday afternoon, our good friends Mike and Jessy came over to see the new house with their two kids. Mike is Keith's best friend from high school and he was the best man in our wedding. Jessy was one of my bridesmaids, and their son Cody was one of our ringbearers.
Little miss Cali Ann .... this girl has such a personality, I love her to pieces :)

The boys at dinner :)

The whole gang! It was Cody's idea to get the waitress to take our photo, so glad he did :)

After dinner, we went back to our house and watched our wedding video with them for the first time! Cody got a kick out of seeing himself on TV, and watching his dad's best man speech :)
Sunday morning we took his mom and grandma out to brunch and this was the *only* time I forgot to take photos! I was too hungry I guess!
Sunday afternoon, was more unpacking and organizing and getting settled! Here is a sneak peek of how my dressing room is coming together. I cannot wait to finish this room!
And a quikc look at our new white-washed fireplace. I absolutely LOVE how it came out! I even started decorating our mantle a little bit, and can't wait to hang our wedding photos above it.

Anddddd we went shopping. We are suckers for Banana Republic, and they were having a big sale yesterday, so we got 35% off our purchase! Plus we had Banana Rewards ($150 worth!) so we made out big time. Keith and I got a bunch of summer stuff for our upcoming trip to Jamaica.
Sunday night is quickly becoming Mexican night in our house -- last night was chicken enchiladas, with rice, roasted peppers and homemade guac. Yum!

So there you have it ... our fun, busy, crazy weekend :) I promise to do a house tour later this week, since we are (finally) no longer living out of boxes!

Ten Words and Things I Miss

12 May 2013

Blogging on the weekends is SO much harder than I thought it would be! You'd think since I wasn't at work I'd have all this free time to read blogs and write posts. I wish this was true.  I feel so disconnected from my blogger peeps! I'll post a weekend recap tomorrow but in the meantime, let's catch up.

Day 11: Sell yourself in ten words. I'm not really sure what I'm selling myself for ... but here goes :)

1. Passionate.
2. Dedicated.
3. Committed.
4. Positive.
5. Loyal.
gee, this is harder than I thought
6. Genuine.
7. Caring.
8. Gracious.
9. Impatient. (hey, its who I am...)
10. Thinker.

Day 12: Something you miss.

If you've followed my blog, you know what I'm probably going to say. :)

There isn't a day that goes by that I don't miss my grandparents more than I can express. Sometimes I think about it too much and it hurts. I miss their smiles, their hugs and kisses, and the way time seems to pass so slowly when we are together. I wish I could just pick and move to Hawaii so I could see them every day. Or I wish I could win the lottery so that I could fly there whenever I wanted. Until then, I cherish the memories and photos I have of our times together.

On a lighter note -- the other thing I miss the most, is our wedding. Our wedding day was truly the BEST day of our lives, filled with so much love and support. It was absolutely better than we could have ever imagined. It is a day that I wish we could live over and over, and over again :)

Oh how embarrassing...

10 May 2013

I'm really late with today's post, it's just been one of THOSE days. You know the kind -- all hell breaks loose before 8am and doesn't stop until 5. Oyyyy. 

Anyway. On to the topic of the day. Most embarrassing moment. 

A few years ago, I was in class one day. Some senior-level marketing course, with an instructor who spoke very little English. It was the easiest class and we all basically played on our laptops the entire time. 

One day our professor showed us a commercial that aired in a different country so it was in a foreign language. I looked up from my Mac confused and turned to the kid next to me and said "can you translate that for me? I have no idea what the message was" And he got incredibly offended and said "I don't know I'm not Indian". I was MORTIFIED. I KNEW he wasn't Indian, but I thought the video was in Spanish!! I tried to back pedal my way out, but to no avail. I felt so bad!! And embarrassed :/ 

To this day, that kid and I are still Facebook friends and every.single.time he posts something, I think of that moment and get embarrassed all over again. 

So there ya have it .... What's yours??


09 May 2013

*Day 9, Thursday:* A moment in your day (this can be just a photo or both a photo and words).

If you follow me on Instagram (#gentelly) you already saw this photo, but I love it so much I'm choosing it as my "moment" for today's challenge.

This was early Sunday morning. Keith had just left to go golfing, so I made myself a banana nut iced coffee and settled in for my daily post. With the sunlight coming through and a warm breeze from the window, it was a picture perfect moment. My life can get crazy and hectic, so I try to appreciate these quiet moments when they happen :)

Money & Cars

08 May 2013


So this morning I had a little bit of a panic attack. Every once in awhile, I get myself all worked up into a frenzy over things. Today's meltdown had to do with money.

Stupid car payment. Stupid student loans. Stupid, stupid, stupid bills.

I currently lease my car and because I had negative equity in the previous car, I had to roll that into my lease payments. It was the only option for me to get out from under that bubble I was in. Now, almost three years later, the $529 monthly payments are getting old.

Next month, my student loans kick up a couple hundred dollars, and my payments will be going up to $600.

This makes me want to throw up. On top of that, we obviously just took on a bigger mortgage payment, and we're talking about babies. So now we have to plan for that too -- saving for maternity leave, daycare costs and day-to-day necessities.

Yeah, my head was in a tailspin today and I was all over the map.

My goal is to get out of this car early and lease something else, with a lower monthly payment. I'm also hoping that I can renegotiate the terms of my student loans and keep the payments the same, or cap how much they increase by. The money we'll save by doing that, I want to toss into savings for future baby M.

On to the funner part of this post -- these are my top vehicle choices.

1. GMC Terrain

2. Chevy Equinox

3. Nissan Pathfinder

I currently have a Nissan and love it. The Pathfinder was what I always said my next car would be, but I feel like it's a little too big and pricey for our family right now. I don't need a third row when we have zero kids. And my payment would only be slightly less than what I'm paying now. So I don't think the Pathfinder is going to be the one for us just yet.

So then it's between the Terrain and the Equinox. Both are pretty comparable, but I think the pricing on the Equinox is more competitive. I'm hoping to make some phone calls tonight and get some better estimates so we can make a decision from there.

Thoughts? Anyone have any of these cars and can give me any tips or advice??




Today's topic for day 8: A piece of advice you have for others.

I do not even remotely pretend to have all the answers. But I'd also like to think I give good advice. Some people might think differently :)

Today I'm just going to share one thought -- as this is advice I took to heart over the past year and has really helped me find peace.

In life, there are always going to be people that piss you off, hurt you or disappoint you. YOU do not have control over what they do. You have control over how you react to it. Sometimes we let anger eat us up. Consume us. Destroy us.

Don't let it.

Life goes on. Your life, their life. Don't miss out on something good because you were too busy holding on to something bad.

Things that freak me out....

07 May 2013

Today's topic in the challenge is "the thing(s) you are the most afraid of". Hehe this is going to be a fun one. Get ready to learn how weird I really am :) My husband and I have this running joke about how everything freaks me out. Here are some of them, in no particular order.

1. Going to the movies. Something about being in a dark theater, with no access to the outside world and everyone's cell phone on silent. For all we know, the world could literally be ending outside, and we wouldn't know for 2 1/2 hours. This irrational fear got much, much worse after the shooting last year. The sad thing is, going to the movies is hubs favorite thing to do. Sometimes I try to suck it up and go with him, other times I make him take a friend, or worse, go alone.

2. Lakes. Lakes freak me the F out!! Something about an enclosed body of water that literally makes my skin crawl. I can't do it. This usually amuses people, as its more normal (I think) to have a fear of the ocean. I, however, LOVE the ocean. Can't get enough of it. Who cares that there are sharks and sea creatures? They are normal. Any living thing in a lake is just ..... ugh. *shudder*

3. Ghosts and the supernatural. I'm terrified of ghosts and spirits. I know they exist and so maybe because I was raised to fear them, I do. Whenever I'm home alone, I turn on lights as I walk through my house because I'm convinced one is going to just randomly pop up in front of me. Please tell me someone else feels this way??

Ok ... that's all for today. I'm not going to get into any more of my crazy fears right now, since I want y'all to come back tomorrow and read more! :)

What I Do

06 May 2013

Today's topic is to describe what I do other than what I actually do. For the record, I'm in trash. And recycling. People always laugh a little when I tell them I work for a trash company. While not a glamorous or anything kind of company, I happen to looove my job. :)

First and foremost, I am a wife. And even though I work a fulltime job, I consider my job of being a wife, the most important thing. I love cooking and cleaning, doing laundry and caring for our home.

I am a mama. To the most adorable little pup in the world. He seriously makes my heart smile, with his little wet nose kisses, and early morning cuddles.

I am a friend. And I adore my friends. I couldn't be me without them!


I am a proud Auntie and godmother...I love these kids so much and they light up our world :)

So in a nutshell -- that's what I do! You know, when I'm not doing trash stuff :)