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Things that freak me out....

07 May 2013

Today's topic in the challenge is "the thing(s) you are the most afraid of". Hehe this is going to be a fun one. Get ready to learn how weird I really am :) My husband and I have this running joke about how everything freaks me out. Here are some of them, in no particular order.

1. Going to the movies. Something about being in a dark theater, with no access to the outside world and everyone's cell phone on silent. For all we know, the world could literally be ending outside, and we wouldn't know for 2 1/2 hours. This irrational fear got much, much worse after the shooting last year. The sad thing is, going to the movies is hubs favorite thing to do. Sometimes I try to suck it up and go with him, other times I make him take a friend, or worse, go alone.

2. Lakes. Lakes freak me the F out!! Something about an enclosed body of water that literally makes my skin crawl. I can't do it. This usually amuses people, as its more normal (I think) to have a fear of the ocean. I, however, LOVE the ocean. Can't get enough of it. Who cares that there are sharks and sea creatures? They are normal. Any living thing in a lake is just ..... ugh. *shudder*

3. Ghosts and the supernatural. I'm terrified of ghosts and spirits. I know they exist and so maybe because I was raised to fear them, I do. Whenever I'm home alone, I turn on lights as I walk through my house because I'm convinced one is going to just randomly pop up in front of me. Please tell me someone else feels this way??

Ok ... that's all for today. I'm not going to get into any more of my crazy fears right now, since I want y'all to come back tomorrow and read more! :)


  1. I'm with you on the Ghosts thing and can understand how people find your fear of lakes amusing because they are smaller than oceans...but...a body of water is a body of water and there have been so many news stories about drownings and such in lakes that I think both of them can be scary places to be.

    I'm puzzled by how your fear of movie theaters contrasts with your husband's love of going to the movies. That is interesting, especially given that it works for you guys. How in the world did you two meet, get serious, get married and then continued to bloom together? You two must have been on some very cool and creative non-movie theater dates :)


    1. I'm not really sure how it works honestly! I'm trying to overcome this irrational fear of movie theaters, so I do go with him -- but it has to be a movie I'm really interested in seeing. And serve alcohol :) Our other compromise is "movie-in" nights. We'll rent the latest through Netflix or our cable company and he seems pretty content with that. It's a work in progress :) Thanks for stopping by!!

  2. Found your blog via SOML.

    I kind of share your fear of lakes. My fear is more of a fear of water I can't see through. When I'm swimming I have to keep my feet at the surface. Because I'm afraid if I actually put them down into the water that something will reach up and grab me. Because, it's logical of course, that a creature could only grab me by my feet

    And the supernatural freaks me out too. Which is why I watched every single episode of Ghost Whisperer. Because if a ghost does pop up randomly, I'll know exactly how to handle them, thanks to that show.

    Cute blog!

    1. Hi Elizabeth! Thanks for the compliment and for stopping by! I have never watched the Ghost Whispherer but you bring up a good point, so maybe I should start! On a night when the hubby is home, and all the lights are turned on :)

      And, YES, I am also fearful of something reaching up and grabbing me while I'm swimming. Agghhhhh! :)

  3. The movie theatre fear?? I understand. I don't have it, no, but things seriously could be ending out there. Except that someone would probably come and let you know.. But still, who knows!

    And I hear ya on the lakes. It's any body of water that I can't stand in. It didn't used to freak me out either, but now I just realize how much emptiness there is below me and how many things can be down there. eeeek. Hate it, and then I hate hating it!!

    1. Hehe -- my husband always tells me this "You know they'll shut the movie off and let us know if something major happens, right?" ... which I guess is true. But what if there was a family emergency and I didn't get the message for 2 1/2 hours? So when I do go, I am that peron that checks my phone every so often, just to make sure. Don't tell the movie police :)

      Thanks for stopping by!
