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Day 20

20 May 2013

MI am quite a bit behind (ok, only two days) but honestly, this weekend just wore me out and I felt like I needed a bit of a technology break. I barely used my laptop or phone, and unplugged from obsessive Pinterest-ing and Instagram-ing. It was a much needed break.

Today's topic is another deep one, so I'll keep it brief and then share some photos of our weekend :)

Day 20: Share something you struggle with

For me -- it's constantly being unsure of myself. Am I a good enough wife? friend? daughter? sister? employee?

My life is very full and busy, and I am so grateful for that. But sometimes I feel like I stretch myself too thin, or I don't give 100% to something that needs it. Then I feel like I'm failing at everything I'm trying to do. I am working on learning to say "no" to things, to prioritize my time and make sure that everyone (including me!) is happy :)

On to weekend updates! 

My dressing room is nearing completion. I know it doesn't look that way from this photo!

Gunner made a new best friend. My dear friend Allison and her husband Scott came to visit on Saturday and see our new house, and Gunner was instantly obsessed with them. He even rode on Scott's lap to the park :)

Sunday we made our annual Ikea trip! We always look forward to and dread it at the same time. I want to buy everything, and Keith constantly reminds me that it will take us 20 hours to put it together so I should "choose wisely". Pfft. 

I ended up buying these two bookcases for my dressing room AND I put them together --by myself -- in less than 2 hours. Take that, dear hubby!!

We wrapped our Sunday with tacos and some TV-show catchup while cuddling with g-money. 

How is it Monday already?!?

1 comment :

  1. We had such a great time!!! Your home is so you and so perfect! Loved our Saturday together :) and of course Scott loves his new (actually little) best friend!!
