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18 December 2014

I never thought Friday would come, this has been such a long week!!

1. We seem to be on the tail end of our sicknesses - thank The Lord - and I plan to spend a good chunk of time tomorrow cleaning and sanitizing our house. I want these germs out! Clorox wipes for the win. 

2. Our living room remodel is so close to being done and I can't wait! I hate living in a construction zone, and since we can't really organized our main floor until that room is done, the past few weeks have been torture for me. Tonight we are choosing carpet which (fingers crossed) will be installed before Christmas!

I'm loving this living room from I Heart Organizing:

3. Anyone else still need to wrap presents? I pulled everything out the other night, but still have not wrapped a single thing! The underneath of our tree is looking very sad :(

4. I started thinking about New Years resolutions this week. I don't normally make them, because who really follows through? But I love the idea of a fresh clean slate!

5. What's a Friday post without Gracie??
She has so many Christmas related outfits, she's been wearing one a day this whole week :)

I hope y'all have a wonderful weekend!!

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