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Our Weekend & Thanksgiving

01 December 2014

Man, do I love long holiday weekends! I love them even more now that I got a new job so I actually get time off around the holidays.

We had originally planned to host Thanksgiving this year, but the week we went to South Carolina we had some work done on the house.

A whole in the wall where there once was a coat closet!

The contractor finished up on the night before I left, or I should say, didn't finish up! This is how they left our new room:

View from the opposite side - there used to be two closets here!

When I called him to ask why they didn't fill in the walls, he told me that it was "extra" and they left that part for the painters (us). I was furious, but since I was also getting on a plane ten hours later, I couldn't argue with him.

So needless to say, our house was pretty much in shambles and it was impossible to host Thanksgiving dinner so we decided to head to my mother-in-law's.

I made homemade cranberry sauce in the crockpot, a traditional green bean casserole and a not-so-traditional brussels sprout salad. It was all SO yummy!


Thanksgiving was such a relaxing day - watching football, drinking wine and spending time with our family. The holidays are already so much more fun with Gracie around.

Her first Thanksgiving

I am most thankful for them!

Keith spent the next three days working on that room. By Sunday night, it still wasn't done but he's made a ton of progress. I give him so much credit - he was not very handy before we bought this house and he's slowly learning, one job at a time :)

Friday, I very successfully completed almost all of our Christmas shopping - you can find our Black Friday recap here.

Saturday, we were up early and ventured to the mall as soon as they opened so that Gracie could take her photo with Santa! I was so glad we went at 10:30, there was only four families in line ahead of us and she was so good.

I can't even with this face!

Headband // Fur Vest (old, H&M) // Tutu & Onesie set // Tights (Instagram purchase)

The rest of the day was spent just hanging around the house, and starting to put up our Christmas decorations. It's the most wonderful time of the year!!

Her first tree!

A little sneak peek of our decor :)

On Sunday, my father-in-law and his wife came over to visit with us for a couple of hours, and after they left we headed out to our town's annual tree lighting event. Gracie and I went with our neighbors and their little boy Jake, and my girlfriend Tara came with her family. It was sunny and 50 degrees, the perfect day to be outdoors!

Mmm cookies!

My little boo-bear

She makes the most ridiculous(ly) cute faces!

With my friend/neighbor Julie and her little boy

We ate cookies, went on a hayride, got some hot cocoa and toured some historic buildings. 
Gotta love small town living :)

We wrapped our very long and busy weekend watching the Patriots game - and little miss even nodded off during the game. 

Check out the sock she almost pulled off her foot :)

And that's a wrap! I can't believe December is finally here. Linking up with Biana & Meghan.

Be sure to check back later this week for some exciting Holiday stuff ... hint, it includes a giveaway!  :) 

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