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Boston, you're my home

16 April 2013

Yesterday was a day that forever changed my world. On April 15, Patriots Day here in MA, at the historic Boston Marathon -- there was a terrorist attack. Two bombs went off near the finish line, killing three people and injuring and maiming hundreds of others.

Our hearts are broken. Boston is my home, my city, my backyard. Having a senseless, cowardly tragedy like this happen on my doorstep, affected me in a way that I didn't know was possible.

The air is different. People are interacting differently. We are exchanging looks -- "how are you? are we ok?" kind of looks. This tragedy has pushed us to all dial back a little bit. Focus on our friends, our families and our community. Each other.

Something that touched me so much was seeing the outpouring of love and support from our community. An image that will stay with me forever -- seconds after the first explosion, people were running towards the explosion site. They were ripping down barricades, in order to get to the hurt and injured. People selflessly forgot about themselves and focused on helping those around them. It gives me goosebumps.

In the midst of this tragedy, there IS beauty. We will overcome this. We will recover. And we will be stronger than ever. Whoever did this, caused this hurt and pain -- they had no idea who they were messing with and I am confident that justice will be served.


I took both of these photos tonight while driving home through the city. 

Tonight, my heart is heavy. But I am proud to call this wonderful city home.

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